Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru: Lowongan Kerja PT PUPUK Sriwijaya (PT PUSRI)

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru: Lowongan Kerja PT PUPUK Sriwijaya (PT PUSRI)

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru: Lowongan Kerja PT PUPUK Sriwijaya (PT PUSRI): PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Persero), better known as PT Pusri, a State-Owned Enterprises engaged in the production and marketing of fertilizers. Legally, PT Pusri formally established based on Deed number 177 dated Eliza Pondaag December 24, 1959 and published in the Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia number 46 dated June 7, 1960. PT Pusri, which has its headquarters and production center based in Palembang, South Sumatra, is the first producer of urea fertilizer in Indonesia.
PT Pusri has undergone two changes in the form of business entity. The first change is based on Government Regulation no. 20 of 1964 which changed its status from a Limited Liability Company (PT) to a State enterprise (PN). The second change occurred based on Government Regulation no. 20 in 1969 and with Notary Soeleman Ardjasasmita in January 1970, its status is returned to the Limited Liability Company (PT).

Posisi Kerja

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru: Lowongan Kerja PT PUPUK Sriwijaya (PT PUSRI)

Graduate Level Internship Program


  1. S1 graduates with the following disciplines:

  • FE Akutansi Kode 11

  • FE Manajemen Kode 12

  • FT Kimia Kode 21

  • FT Sipil Kode 22

  • FT Mesin Kode 23

  • FT Elektro Kode 24

  • F Hukum Kode 31

  • FP Sos Ek.Pertanian Kode 41

  • FISIP Ilmu Komunikasi&Kehumasan Kode 51

  • MIPA Kimia Kode 61

  • Fasilkom Teknologi Informasi Kode 71

2. A minimum GPA of 2.5
3. Age as of August 1, 2011 the maximum 26 years.
4. Has not worked
5. Not married
6. Above the stamp duty waiver on the willingness to follow the full program without halting (from 7:30 to 17:00 WIB)

Lamaran Kerja

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru: Lowongan Kerja PT PUPUK Sriwijaya (PT PUSRI)

Send your cover letter with curriculum vitae (CV), copy of diploma and transcripts (legalized), photographs (min) 3x4 cm 3 pieces not later than August 29, 2011, with code lists the top left corner of disciplines to:


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